Ledger.com/start | Live to start setting up your device

The web address "Ledger.com/start" is associated with the initial setup and onboarding process for Ledger hardware wallets. If you have purchased a Ledger device, following the instructions on this page is essential to properly initialize and secure your hardware wallet. Here's a general overview of what you might encounter when visiting Ledger.com/start:

1. Connect Your Ledger Device:

2. Navigate to Ledger.com/start:

3. Choose Your Ledger Model:

4. Download Ledger Live:

5. Install Ledger Live:

6. Set Up Your Ledger Device:

7. Record Your Recovery Phrase:

8. Secure Your PIN:

9. Explore Ledger Live:

10. Connect Your Ledger Device Securely:

11. Firmware Updates:

12. Explore Additional Features:

13. Security Reminders:


Setting up your Ledger hardware wallet via Ledger.com/start is a crucial step in ensuring the security of your cryptocurrency holdings. Always follow the official instructions provided on the Ledger website and prioritize the protection of your recovery phrase and PIN. This process is designed to make your hardware wallet secure and user-friendly for managing your digital assets.